

I have to say I love that effortless, beachy, I did nothing to it, but my hair looks fabulous look. Kate Hudson anyone? I think everyone would like to feel like a natural beauty and there's something about beachy waves that read that way. Sea salt spray is an awesome way to help get that look. You just spray it into damp or dry hair and your hair will dry (or re-dry) with more texture and wave. There are loads of brands doing these sprays, most notably Bumble & Bumble with their Surf Spray, but I find it hard to fork over such a large sum of money for something that's so easy to make at home. So here's a quick little DIY sea salt spray recipe for you guys:

1 cup hot water
1 tbsp Epsom salts
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp gel
1 tsp lightweight leave in conditioner
A few drops of essential oil (for a yummy smell)
... and an old spray bottle

A few tips:
1. Adjust the recipe based on your needs. If your hair is naturally quite course you may find that you need a little more leave in conditioner. If your hair is fine you might need to double down on the salt and gel.

2. Try not to combine the sea salt spray with smoothing or heavy leave in products. The spray will work it's magic best if your hair isn't weighed down.

3. To amp up the waves, scrunch your hair and blow dry it upside down with a diffuser. Upside down is key because it gives your roots a huge volume boost.

4. To clean up the look slightly, try spraying the very ends of your hair with a heat protectant and running a flat iron over them. Waves in the middle and straight on the ends gives it that classic beachy look.


  1. I need to try this, I really love natural and DIY stuff :)

    If you'd like to, check my little blog:

  2. Wow I didn't know you could make this yourself! So cool! Thanks for sharing!

    Chloe The Redhead |
    Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle

  3. Awesome recipe! I've never thought to use Epsom salts before - I've made variations of this with regular old sea salt, and it's way too drying for my hair! I'll have to give your way a try :) xx

  4. This seems like a really great DIY! Personally, I can't justify spending that much on a salt spray either, mainly because the ones I have tried have done nothing for my hair :/ My hair is quite thick and very straight and really lacks texture, so it's hard to get it to do anything - without heat! Might have to give this recipe a go though...

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

  5. Such a good tutorial, I really want to try making something like this now!

    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  6. This is great! Especially the flat iron tip; I would never have thought of that but now it seems so obvious!

  7. This one made my hair very curly and my hair is fairly thick. It definitely doesn't make your hair soft though. That's kind of the trade off I guess.

  8. Yeah I saw it in some backstage of a fashion show video thing (can't remember the show), but it looked so nice. Just extending the tips somehow helps to keep your hair looking longer too.

  9. This is such a great DIY, I really need to try this out. I love beachy waves and if it requires minimal effort to achieve, I'm all about it

    Jodie xo // La Lune Song

  10. Love this! I still have my hair short so I won't probably use it for quite a bit but it's a great idea ;) xx

    Gyudy's Notes Of Beauty

  11. Great post - I love the look of effortless beachy waves, so will give this a try x
