I remember a few years ago Jemma Kidd's Dewy Glow Highlighter was all kinds of popular. Everyone on Youtube seemed to have one and for good reason. It was/is an amazing product. Sadly the company shut down a few years ago and the highlighter was no longer to be seen, except for every once in a while when it would pop up on Ebay for $200 or so. So I thought it might be worth mentioning the replacement that I found for our missed friend. Drum roll... it's Jouer's Highlighter.
When I first tried Jouer's offering I was struck immediately by the similarity in texture. They both have that incredibly creamy, slippy texture. I find some cream highlighters to be a bit too stiff and tricky to work into the skin, but the Jouer version, like the Jemma Kidd version, applies really easily. They also have a similar finish – lovely and glossy looking without much detectable sparkle (great daytime highlighters).
If you were a lover of the Jemma Kidd Iced Gold option (what I've got here) then Jouer's Camellia should do the trick. However if Rose Gold is what had your loins a-burning, go for Jouer's Champagne (swatch here). It has that same beautiful mix of pink and gold undertones... you know... like rose gold would. The only aspect that isn't comparable between the two products is the size. The Jemma Kidd compact came with 5x as much product as the Jouer one does. It's a bit of a bummer, but I can't imagine myself ever getting through that much highlighter anyways.