

Good lord. If someone had told me before this post how hard hand modeling is I would have laughed in their face. But now... respect. I’m not much of a nail polish girl in general and I’m definitely not a glittery nail polish kind of girl. That being said, I’ve gone ahead and fallen in love with a glitter nail polish. 

Barry M’s Textured Nail Paint in Lady caught my eye one day when I was digging around the depths of the internet. I became obsessed with getting my hands on it (or should I say getting it on my hands, ehhhhh?), but of course, being an English brand, it’s damn near impossible to get over here in these desolate lands. I.e. Canada. So when my sister decided to take a gander overseas she was given a retrieval mission. And she succeeded. She brought my boy back home, safe and sound. I’ll never forget her kindness. Never. Okay, I’m getting a bit weird here.

The nail polish is fabulous though. Like I said, I’m not usually a glitter gal (and yes that extends to the likes of Mariah Carey’s film making), but this one is different. It’s that awesome matte, sandy textured glitter that looks a bit less prom queen-esk. The shade is awesome. It’s a bit of fun for the summer and it’ll be perfect for this year’s round of Christmas parties too. Joo can dress eet up or joo can dress eet down. Joo not even gonna believe how many tings joo can do with dis nail polish. I was beginning to sound a bit like a cheap salesman there. I just like it. That’s all. What do you guys think?


  1. I absolutely love the matte sandy textured nail polishes, I always feel my nails and love the rough texture. This one is a really pretty clean shade!

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

  2. It's a unique shade indeed! It will be perfect for christmas time too! :D

    Diana P. | Cups & Roses

  3. Love the look of this, looks super unique and pretty!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  4. Looks really sweet! I really like Barry M, their nail varnishes are so cheap and in the main do the job nicely! xo

    Chloe The Redhead |
    Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle

  5. not going to lie, I read the title and I had horror flashbacks to fedora tipping, M'Lady saying, uncomfortableness. the color looks really great though!

    Allison from www.mercuteify.com

  6. I think I've missed something obvious because I don't get the reference. What's the from?

  7. Indeed. If only it were easier to get them here.

  8. I'm already kinda pathetically excited.

  9. this is such a gorgeous colour! Barry M have such a nice range :) x


  10. I feel your pain with the whole hand modelling thing, it is so awkward to do! This is a lovely polish, it's actually one I have never seen before.
    Amy x
