

I love when fall comes around. Suddenly I've got an excuse to drink infinite cups of tea, never get out of my pyjama pants and binge watch The Killing (ah, it's so good). Okay, I was definitely doing that before anyways. Putting aside the crisp air and the beautiful mix of colours on the trees, fall means getting to have some fun with makeup. Out come the deep, sultry shades and pale skin reigns once more! Yuss. A good vampy lip and a bit of definition in the eyes is what I've gone for this time around.

This look was super easy to do. Just the way I like it. I cracked out my The Balm Meet Matte Nude Palette once again. I used the shade Matt Hung all over the lid and I softened the crease with Matt Abdul. Then I look Matte Johnson and softly blended it along my lash line with an angled brush to create some definition. I finished up with my favourite mascara of all time – L'oreal Telescopic.

I think when you're doing an intense lip, you really want to take the time to perfect your skin. Strong shades on the lips tend to emphasize any spots or hyper-pigmentation you may have. I used three products to make sure I had everything spick-and-span. I first went in with the Everyday Minerals Matte Base to give myself a general evening of the skintone. Then for under the eyes and any areas left that were especially red I patted on the Mac Pro Longwear Concealer (NC20). For any final blemishes I used a tiny brush to apply the Mac Studio Finish Concealer. I set with my Tarte Smooth Operator Setting Powder and added a smidgen of the Anabelle Blush in the shade Rosewood.

I've gotten back into the NYX Eyebrow Cake Powder big time lately. I have the shade Taupe/Ash. It's really good and ashy. I don't like when brow powders and too warm toned. They sticks out like a sore thumb. Powder, compared to a pencil, is really nice for creating a softer, more subtle brow too, which was ideal for this look because I didn't want to overwhelm things with a whole lot of brow. I gave them a run through with the Elf Clear Brow Mascara to give them some separation and to hold them in place.

The lips are, of course, the real focal point of this look. I used the Wet n Wild Mega Last Matte Lip Cover in Cherry Bomb. It's the most affordable lipstick I own and it's one of my favourites. I made sure to perfect the outline of the lips. Wobbly lines really show when you're using a shade as dark as this. I applied one layer of lipstick straight from the bullet, smoothed out the edges with a lip brush and then went back in with another layer of lipstick to make sure the opacity was even.

That was it! Not too hard at all. I hope you guys are enjoying fall too, getting out for some nice walks and sipping on some yummy drinks. It's a beautiful time!


  1. Last week I bought that lipstick and, OMG, it's so beautiful, and perfect for this season!

  2. The bold brows complement the lips so well! Love the look Holly! :-)


  3. Beautiful makeup look! I'm in love with that Wet and Wild lipstick!

    Ana Leote

  4. You look so stunning! And you are dead right, autumn is the one. I've been watching House of Cards and lighting scented candles - basically living the dream!

  5. Seriously? Your makeup looks incredible! I wish I had the skills to recreate this! The colours are so perfect for this time of the year.

    We use the same concealers. I'm glad I'm doing something right! xx

    Celina | The Celution | Bloglovin’

  6. Thank you, but I'm confident you could do this look! The eyes are really simple. It just some time going over the lips. And Mac does some dang good concealers! I have not been let down thus far.

  7. Dido on the scented candles. I need to watch House of Cards! Everyone says it's amazing and so far every Netflix original I've been has been good. Plus, Kevin Spacey is a genius.

  8. For the price, they are really good. And also they nailed it with the colour range... they're the type of colours I could see Nars carrying.

  9. Definitely the ideal fall colour in my mind.

  10. Haha I can't really stop my brows from being bold. They just do that.

  11. He is BRILLIANT in it, so freakin' watchable - I started about a week ago, thinking I wouldn't be all that into it and I've now watched every episode!

  12. I also just did that with Mixology. One of those random finds of Netflix that was totally hilarious.

  13. I am definitely giving that a whirl next in that case - there is a huge House of Cards shaped hole in my life that needs filling!

  14. What brushes did you use for the eyeshadows? Everything is so beautifully blended together!

  15. I am loving the red lips. I always find it's tougher to wear red lips during the day, but your look makes it look completely wearable.

    xx, Ada

  16. Beautiful look, your makeup is always so on point! The lip colour is lovely, it really suits you.

    Bramble & Thorn

  17. Don't you absolutely love Mixology? My friends recommended it to me and I am 100% hooked!

  18. I have been dying to try the palette by The Balm! Matt Johnson is the prettiest shade for winter "eye-liner" smudge!

  19. The Killing = such a good show. And that lip colour is beautiful!

  20. I love how you do your makeup! Perfect pictures as well:)

    By the way I'm also new to this world of blogging, so it would mean a lot to me if anyone checked out my blog? Thanks:)
    Luxveritatis.| Beauty.Fashion.Crafts

  21. I know what you mean. I like doing a bold lip, but I often feel slightly uncomfortable, like I'm drawing attention to myself. I try to force myself to anyways because it should just be a bit of fun.

  22. It's an awesome one. Wet n Wild. That's my jam.

  23. Such a good palette. I love matte shadows and the colour selection in this palette is heaven to me. It's one of those palettes that will always be useful.

  24. Ahhh soo good. I flippin love Holder so much. He makes that show for me.

  25. I knew it was love from the first episode. I watched it all in two nights. I couldn't stop myself. Such a genius idea for a show.

  26. I think I used the Real Techniques shading brush to place the shadow, a Real Techniques deluxe crease brush to blend and an Eco-tools angled brush shadow liner. I'm itching to get my hands of Zoeva though.

  27. Holy crapola, this look is so gorgeous! I really love the eyes, they look so multidimensional even though you've only used matte shades. I really love how your blush shade complements the lips as well!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

  28. I don't know if those Anabelle blushes are just a North American thing, but they are actually really impressive. That colour comes in handy a lot too.

  29. Love this look so much :)

    I'm running a "Naked pallet" giveaway, if you're interested, check this link:

    little taste of heaven

  30. This look is perfection! It suits you so well! Surprisingly, that is the first time I hear about this palette. It looks like a pretty good one!

    Glam O’Clock | Beauty Blog

  31. Absolutely gorgeous once again! And I totally agree about the pale skin...suddenly I feel like I "fit in" haha. I'm loving the vampy lips and definitely have a few deep wine colours on my list this year where as in the past I've felt too insecure to sport them! Also, thanks for the suggestion on The Killing! I've seen it listed on Netflix and am definitely going to check it out now that you say you love it so much ;) xx

  32. Gorgeous makeup, I love the lip colour so much!

    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  33. Gorgeous, that dark berry shade really suits you!

  34. Gorgeous! Love how the eyes have a mystical ombre effect.

    I do so love The Killing too. Although, I need to watch the final season...but I'm just sad it's the final season. Holder for life!


  35. Love that lip holly! But n real is it more pink or red toned? I am in search of a red toned dark lippie.. something which is a deep-bright-wine red. I know that sounds lil crazy, but thats exactly what i want :D

    - Chaitra | PinkPot

  36. Mmmm I'd say it's a little more burgundy. I don't think it's as red or bright as what you want.

  37. I'm a big fan of doomly gothy looks so this one works for me

  38. Yeah, you used to be a punk kinda girl didn't you? Though I don't know if think is a punk thing. I'm not well versed.

  39. Such a pretty look~ and I love that you used a wet'n'wild lipstick. They are some of my favorites.

  40. Your makeup look beautiful! I wish darker shades like this suited me! I would have to try again, and see if maybe they could suit me!! This lipstick is gorgeous! I have to rewatch the Killing! It really is an amazing show, and I miss Holder! xx

    Alexandra | The A Style | Beauty and lifestyle
