

2014 is coming to an end and that seems as good an excuse as any to round up a list of blogs I've really enjoyed. I'll try not to gush for too long about each one, but it's going to be tough.

Vivianna Does Makeup
It's hard for me to adequately express how much I love Anna's work. Her Youtube channel has to be my favourite of all time and I love her blog. There's just something about her videos that instantly make me happy. Her taste is also absolutely perfect in my mind. She's my biggest influence when it comes to guilty purchases and that she will continue to be for many years to come.

Life, Set Sail
I don't even know where to begin with this girl. Brittany is not only an amazing blogger, but a downright fantastic person. She has shown me such kindness in the past few months and she's a huge supporter of new bloggers. I love her blog style, her content and her sense of humour and I love that she's started up a Youtube channel again. I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Brittany as much as I have this year. 

Ghost Parties
Kate is one of my number one inspirations when it comes to blogging. Her photography is as good as it gets, she's a never ending source of creativity and her sense of humour just gets me.

Nouvelle Daily
Equally, I love the online magazine Nouvelle Daily. It's got so much of what I love from Kate's work in Ghost Parties, but with even more great variety.

A Little Opulent
Speaking of online magazines... ALO has truly come into its own and it's beautiful to see. They have some of the best of the best working together to create great content and their following is growing remarkably quickly as a result.

From Roses
One of the co-founders of ALO, Rebecca never ceases to amaze me with her quality of content. She has such a great mix of beauty and lifestyle and she always delivers it with an interesting perspective and fantastic writing.

We've got the other ALO co-founder here. Jen's blog has changed quite a bit since I started following it and I'm so happy to see that she seems more settled and content with it than ever before. Everything Jen writes blows me away as it's so filled with wisdom and maturity.

That Grace Girl
Another contributor to ALO... got a bit of a theme going here... Grace is another fantastic writer though. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a beauty blogger with such intellect and integrity. I always enjoy reading Grace's writing and perusing her skincare advice.

Pink Pot
Chaitra is someone who offers help and kindness to anyone seeking it and she's an absolute wellspring of knowledge. I love her updated blog design and I particularly love her posts on blogging and photography.

Lipstick With Some Sunshine
If you want some artful inspiration, or a good session of “why am I not this genius?,” pop on over to Tamira's blog. She has a truly unique and elevated sense of style. She manages to do minimalism and beautiful photography like you've never seen before. I have been enamoured by her blog since the day I found it and I can't imagine that stopping any time soon. 

I Covet Thee
I've followed Alix from the very start of her Youtube channel and found her blog through that. She's an amazing all-rounder. Her blog is gorgeous, her content is fantastic and her videos are beautifully done. She's another face that I'm always happy to see.


  1. This is such a sweet idea for a post! I don't follow Chaitra but all the others are my faaaaaaves x

  2. Just got back from my holiday, thought I'll log in and check your blog. And look what I see! Thanks for making my day, you are so lovely and kind! xx

    - Chaitra | PinkPot

  3. I love and follow all these blogs, this is such a sweet idea for a post!

    Jodie // La Lune Song

  4. all amazing blogs


  5. These would be my top picks as well, I just get pure blogger envy every time I click on any one of their posts!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  6. I read all but one of these! They are fantastic blogs :)

  7. I follow all of these blogs & they're all SO lovely! :)

    xx angela | the sunday chapter

  8. These are all such fantastic recommendations, it's always great to see bloggers sharing the love!

    Tessa /Bramble & Thorn

  9. VDM forever, I seriously wish she would write a book - literally the only one from a youtuber I would be interested in because she is the best writer
    Allison from http://www.mercuteify.com

  10. I already followed most of these girls blogs, but was new to Britanny and ALO. Consider me subscribed!

  11. These have all been some of my favourites as well! This is such a great roundup. x


  12. I am right there with you with this list, I love all these blogs. Grace and Brittany are the loveliest - and how I found you too! Definitely a big time VDM fan as well - I feel the exact same way when I watch her videos. Happy almost New Year's Eve!
    XO Camey

  13. I already read some of these amazing blogs and I am going to check out the ones I don't already know about! Love discovering new blogs!

    Amanda / Amanda's Escape

  14. I absolutely love your blog Chaitra :) Discovered a couple of weeks ago and I'm so happy Holly included you here ! :) Happy new year! xx
    Gabriella from www.willowjolie.com

  15. Totally agree!! I really feel the content of most of the bigger bloggers/youtubers has gone down but VDM remains just as amazing as always!

  16. Thanks so much for your kind words about my blog and also for ALO Holly, it means a lot :) Your blog has become one of my favourite this year, your doing something really great over here and I hope that 2015 is an awesome year for you! x

  17. I see we share a lot of favourites! So much that the only blog there that I didn't follow is Pink Pot, and it took me two minutes to follow on Bloglovin after checking it, haha.

    I really like VDM; her way of writing just gets to me, and I feel like she hasn't lost her personality of shadily changed her taste or favourite products just because she got successful. She still features her favourite products over and over, and she truly looks like a nice person.

    In reality I love every single of those bloggers; they have amazing content, and they seem to be genuinely good people! Some quirky, some funny, some just heart warming. I've loved discovering so many blogs in 2014 and getting a bit more away from the "mainstream" ones. And yous is also a discovery I've loved, Holly. I love your photography and your simple, charming blog design, and the way you write. Keep up the good job in 2015!

  18. I love all these blogs too. They would have to be my favorites including you!!


  19. I agree with all of these! What a lot of lovely ladies :) Happy New Year and I hope 2015 treats you well x

    Megan / pixiecrop.com

  20. Meee toooo. Hard not to think "dang it, why didn't I think of that" sometimes. They're amazing ladies.

  21. Haha thanks. Can't really claim it was my idea for a post though. I've seen quite a few people do their roundup and I wanted to put my 2 cents in.

  22. I absolutely love her writing too. She's very well spoken and humorous at once.

  23. They're a fantastic group indeed!

  24. Awesome! Wow it's actually really cool to hear that you found me through them since I'm such a fan.

  25. Thank you so much Jen. I really appreciate it. Can't wait to see 2015 for you too :)

  26. Ah all of this makes me all mushy. It's so awesome to everyone supporting one another. Ahem. Imma go do some man stuff now. Spit on the pavement and what not.

  27. Thank you so much. That's what I love about this group too - the diversity. You get a laugh from some, beautiful photography from some and amazing advice from others. And I'm so glad that you found PinkPot. Chaitra is amazing.
