

I wouldn't normally do two posts in a row just talking about one single product. But yesterday this came to me, The Stila Field of Florals Convertible Color Lip and Cheek Palette. I haven't seen any word of it yet on the blogosphere, so I thought I'd get some swatches out for you guys. But first I've got to tell you how I ended up with this palette because I'm still flabbergasted.  

I went out makeup shopping with/for my friend Danielle for reasons that will be revealed in the fullness of time. While we were in Sephora, she saw me eyeing this palette because, well, it's beautiful and I have eyes. Next thing I know she just picks it up off the shelf and says “this is your Christmas present.” Gah. Despite my saying a hundred times “Dan, seriously, that's too much,” “honestly Dan, that's just too much,” she did it. And I just have to say, as much as I appreciate the gift (oh and I do), what I appreciate even more is having a friend that so vocally supports me in this venture. She has repeatedly made it known to me that she's proud of me for doing what I'm passionate about and I can't tell you what a difference it makes to have someone like that in my life. Thank you Dan.

And now zee swatches. I can promise you you'll be hearing about this beautiful creature many more times in the future.

L-R: Lilium, Magnolia, Tulip, Camellia, Peony, Rose
L-R: Gladiola, Peach Blossom, Hibiscus, Gerbera, Petunia, Fuchsia


  1. This pallet looks gorgeous. It would be a great way to see what colours suit you and what colours don't.


  2. I have a palette of these (although without nearly so many gorgeous shades!) and I really must dig it out more. Also yay for awesome friends.

    ellabooxo | beauty, lifestyle, etc.

  3. Those colours are lovely! They look great for day time wear :)


  4. How have I not heard of this palette?! It's gorgeous.

    Emma & The Beauty Blog

  5. All of these shades are just gorgeous! Lovely palette xx

    rosyannajane.blogspot.com // bloglovin.com/annatranter

  6. This looks so beautiful, I'm so tempted to pick it up, I can't believe I haven't heard of it!

    Jodie // La Lune Song

  7. This palette looks soooo beautifull! I NEED this in my life!


  8. This is gorgeous, very spring like!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  9. This is such a stunning palette, and definitely something I'd love to pick up!


  10. Beautiful palette! I was gifted a Stila palette last year that was LE and has three shades, a darker wine, a poppy, and a coral. I love it SO much! My sis-in-law scored it for a whopping $10 at Sephora and I seriously think it is one of the greatest things ever. Love Stila ;)

  11. What a gorgeous palette! It's so pretty, I can definitely see myself buying this!

    Tessa at Bramble & Thorn

  12. I am SERIOUSLY lusting after this thing - it's truly a thing of beauty and I love the CC formula so I feel a purchase on the cards soon. Also, what a lovely story about your friend Danielle - it's so lovely to know you have supporters out there, hey? :)

    Ash / http://thebeautycollection.wordpress.com/

  13. Your friend sounds awesome! I remember the other day my dad asked me how my blog was doing and I was kind of taken aback, you know? It's nice to have people support you in what you're doing!
    I picked up some of the Convertible Colors during a Stila sale and was pretty excited but mine smelled awful. Maybe it was just the ones I picked up, but I was really turn off. But man this looks cool.

    x beauty, style, life | bespectacled

  14. This palette is gorgeous! I need to get it asap!

    xo Mandy | Blog

  15. This palette is everythingggggg. I love that it has such versatile shades that can be used on cheeks and lips. I have Gerbera and I freakin love it! Your friend sounds like such a sweet pea :)

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

  16. Lovely review! The colors look absolutely gorgeous xx


  17. Isn't it lovely when you have people around you who support what you do ? :) Danielle seems to be lovely, not only for buying you this beautiful palette but for encouraging you to keep going with your passion, something you're doing brilliantly :) Big Hugs,

    Gabriella from www.willowjolie.com

  18. I love these convertible colours! This palette looks amazing, and would be great to try out more colours! :)

  19. Yeah I sort of got tired of blush, but I feel like this is going to reignite the passion because there are so, so many options. Rommmannnnceee.

  20. Thank you so much. You are so encouraging too! I'm really lucky to have Danielle.

  21. That's what's so great about it. It has such variety in shades. It has those bright pops of colour and then the paired down colours for when you don't want to much. Ahh perfection. The formula feels so nice too. And Danielle is a sweet pea!

  22. That's very sweet, especially from a dad. For some reason it makes me think of the fayesfix videos she does with her dad. Have you seen them? They're so lovely.
    I think you must have got a bad batch of the Stila or something because mine don't smell like anything. That's disappointing.

  23. It is a lovely thing :) May the force be with you... in terms of getting the Stila palette.

  24. I saw that palette last year and wanted it. It was crazy that it was $10. So, you know, pretty pleased about what I got going on here now.

  25. Yeah, the bottom row just looks so Springy to me too.

  26. I'm pretty sure it just came out. It was in the Spring Preview section on the Sephora website.

  27. Because it's new! (I'm pretty sure). Yeah it's certainly something to gaze upon.

  28. Agreed. Yay for awesome friends! And yeah you should dig that bad boy out. Sorry I said bad boy.

  29. Yeah it's kind of a good testing palette. I always gravitate towards the same colours so it'll be good to have the ones that I wouldn't normally go for too.

  30. Haha, I can imagine! I love their colours particularly on my lips because they are just SO easy to maintain! Enjoy ;)

  31. Love the look of this palette, all the colours are so stunning!

    Maddy, xo // UNSTITCHEDD

  32. I'm seriously dying for this palette. I love the convertible colors, I got the small palette they made somewhere last year and I adore it. This one has more colours, pretty colours... ahhh I'm so tempted.

    Also, congrats on having such an amazing friend. That's invaluable.

  33. I love that all of the colors are named after flowers but they just kind of gave up at the end and went whatever lets just call is as it is- fuchsia

  34. Haha I totally thought that too at first. Then I figured that that seemed weird so I googled it and it's actually a type of flower too.

  35. Such a beautiful palette! Where did you buy it from? xo

  36. What a great friend you've got! ^_^ You have lovely photography skills I must say!
