A little while ago Urban Decay was doing a competition to create an “I woke up like this” strobing look. I looked through the competition's photos and, let me tell you, some people were waking up with a bum ton of makeup on. Slept in your full face did ya? What are you, Britt from The Bachelor? Zinnnng. I kid, I kid. Anyways I wanted to do something closer to a no makeup makeup look (but still very glowy) and I was pretty happy with how it turned out, so I thought I'd share the look with you.
After a short interlude, we return to our regular programming. I.e. back to the rundown series. We've covered bronzers and highlighters. So what's next, you ask? Pretend like you asked. Concealers! I'm bizarrely a total concealer nutcase. They are one of my all time favorite makeup products because I truly believe a good concealer can massively raise your confidence level. I've tried a fair few in my many wise and humble years, so please allow me to have a chat. Then you shun me.
I won't bore you with a rambling intro today. Psyche. Imma bore the crap out of you. This morning I woke up and took my first breath as a conscious human on May 20th. I wondered to myself if it would be another sunny day. You see my blinds were shut, prohibiting me from knowing what to expect. I closed my eyes again, seeing as I was a bit sleepy, but then opened them again because I knew I really ought to get up...
Yeah, okay that's enough of that. Hey, here's some shit that I got given from work!
I've been meaning to make a mini-series for a while now. I thought it might be nice to pick a category of product – eyeliners, highlighters, foundations, etc – and give you a rundown of my experience with each one. I already covered bronzers in the last post and today we're moving onto highlighters. I hope you guys like this idea and if there's any category you're especially interested in hearing about, please let me know!
You know when you look at your makeup stash and you think sweet Jesus how did I end up with so many bronzers? No? Probably just me. I'll check myself into rehab after I'm done typing this up. Bronzer is a staple product for me. I wear it almost every day and the days that I don't I usually regret it when I catch the ghost staring back at me in the mirror. Because it's such a staple product, I find myself dabbling in new bronzers quite often, trying to find the perfect one. After rifling through my drawers I've discovered that I've accumulated over a dozen. Yikers. I decided now would be a good time to give you a rundown of each one before things get any more out of hand.
Summertime has arrived in Vancouver. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I'm getting a tan and I can't bear to wear pants. Well, to be fair, I never like wearing pants. With the change in temperature comes a change in my makeup tastes. I'm lovin' the bronzed skin and sheer formulas for the lips, and that's exactly what you'll see in my very late April Favourites today.
I don't know if today's post will pique anyone's interest, but we'll give it a go anyways. I recently started doing some freelance makeup work again. But seeing as it's been a few years since the last time I dabbled, I had to rebuild my kit almost from scratch. In the chance that there's anyone out there wondering about building up a freelancing kit, or even anyone just curious to see the contents, I wanted to share with you guys what I've stocked mine with.